2Dogs Games Ltd. is an independent Canadian game development studio, founded in 2017 by CEO & Creative Director Ken Hall and formed by a highly experienced team of industry veterans.
Our core team have held Lead or Senior development positions on numerous cutting-edge AAA projects across the full range of platforms, including:

For us, gaming isn’t just a passion, it’s a way of life!
We want to change online gaming for the better, and we felt the only way to do it right was as an independent studio. We’ve come together as 2Dogs Games to make the game we believe in.
Difficult? You bet, but we love being underdogs, and with the support of our friends and community behind us we’ve set out to prove we’re up to the challenge!
The Team

Ken Hall, Founder 
CEO & Founder Ken Hall has a 20-year track record of designing and creating award-winning, cutting-edge games for console and PC. Ken is renowned for his visual storytelling and his ability to create incredibly immersive worlds.

Charles Wright, Co-Founder, Writer 
Charles Wright is a privacy and data management expert. He has managed privacy, data analytics and KPI tracking for numerous healthcare institutions, as well as the John Tory mayoral campaign.

Dave Ramnarine, Co-Founder, Game Mechanics Lead 
Dave Ramnarine is a renowned figure in classic tabletop, RPG gaming and comic conventions, where he has won awards for his tactics and overall gaming prowess. He has helped create and manage gaming conventions and regularly GMs at CanGames. He has been instrumental in the design and testing of countless tabletop and RPG successes including the acclaimed Pirates series.

M. D. Cooper, Writer 
A twenty-year software development veteran, Malorie’s experiences there translated well into the realm of science fiction, where she has created the extensive best-selling Aeon14 series. A ‘maker’ from an early age, Malorie loves to craft things, from furniture, to cosplay costumes, to a well-spun tale.
Advisory Board
We’re very lucky to have the support of some incredible people, to help us realize our vision.

Riad Byne, Veterans’ Advisor
Riad Byne served 23+ years with the Canadian Armed Forces and was medically retired in May 2014. During his time with the forces, Riad deployed to Croatia in 1994, Bosnia in 1998, Kosovo in 1999, Afghanistan in 2003, as well as other domestic operations.
In March of 2017, Riad, along with 8 other veteran co-founders started Spartan Wellness by MPX, which is a company that provides men and women in uniform along with their families, a high quality of patient service with respect, honesty, integrity and giving back.

Dr. B., Mental Health Advisor
Dr. B is a doctor of clinical psychology and the clinical director of Take This, a mental health nonprofit serving the game community/industry that provides resources, guidelines and training about mental health issues in the game community, thus reducing the stigma of mental illness, largely through industry consultation and the pioneering of staffed mental health rooms at conventions: the AFK Rooms.
In addition to his work with Take This, Dr. B has a private practice in the Seattle area, and he is also a lecturer and trainer on the applied use of therapeutic role playing games.